/* * Test and benchmark synchronous operations. * stolen from Andrew Morton */ #undef _XOPEN_SOURCE /* MAP_ANONYMOUS */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Lots of yummy globals! */ char *progname, *dirname; int verbose, use_fsync, use_osync; int fsync_dir; int n_threads = 1, n_iters = 100; int *child_status; int this_child_index; int dir_fd; int show_tids; int threads_per_dir = 1; int thread_group; int do_unlink; int rename_pass; #define N_FILES 100 #define UNLINK_LAG 30 #define RENAME_PASSES 3 void show(char *fmt, ...) { if (verbose) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stdout, fmt, ap); fflush( stdout ); va_end(ap); } } /* * - Create a file. * - Write some data to it * - Maybe fsync() it. * - Close it * - Maybe fsync() its parent dir * - rename() it. * - maybe fsync() its parent dir * - rename() it. * - maybe fsync() its parent dir * - rename() it. * - maybe fsync() its parent dir * - UNLINK_LAG files later, maybe unlink it. * - maybe fsync() its parent dir * * Repeat the above N_FILES times */ char *mk_dirname(void) { char *ret = malloc(strlen(dirname) + 64); sprintf(ret, "%s/%05d", dirname, thread_group); return ret; } char *mk_filename(int fileno) { char *ret = malloc(strlen(dirname) + 64); sprintf(ret, "%s/%05d/%05d-%05d", dirname, thread_group, getpid(), fileno); return ret; } char *mk_new_filename(int fileno, int pass) { char *ret = malloc(strlen(dirname) + 64); sprintf(ret, "%s/%05d/%02d-%05d-%05d", dirname, thread_group, pass, getpid(), fileno); return ret; } void sync_dir(void) { if (fsync_dir) { show("fsync(%s)\n", dirname); if (fsync(dir_fd) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to fsync dir `%s': %s\n", progname, dirname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } } void make_dir(void) { char *n = mk_dirname(); show("mkdir(%s)\n", n); if (mkdir(n, 0777) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Cannot make directory `%s': %s\n", progname, n, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } free(n); } void remove_dir(void) { char *n = mk_dirname(); show("rmdir(%s)\n", n); rmdir(n); free(n); } void write_stuff_to(int fd, char *name) { static char buf[500000]; static int to_write = 5000; show("write %d bytes to `%s'\n", sizeof(buf), name); if (write(fd, buf, to_write) != to_write) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to write %d bytes to `%s': %s\n", progname, to_write, name, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } to_write *= 1.1; if (to_write > 250000) to_write = 5000; } void unlink_one_file(int fileno, int pass) { if (do_unlink) { char *name = mk_new_filename(fileno, pass); show("unlink(%s)\n", name); if (unlink(name) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to unlink `%s': %s\n", progname, name, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } sync_dir(); free(name); } } void do_one_file(int fileno) { char *name = mk_filename(fileno); int fd, flags; flags = O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC; if (use_osync) flags |= O_SYNC; show("open(%s)\n", name); fd = open(name, flags, 0666); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to create file `%s': %s\n", progname, name, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } write_stuff_to(fd, name); if (use_fsync) { show("fsync(%s)\n", name); if (fsync(fd) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to fsync `%s': %s\n", progname, name, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } show("close(%s)\n", name); if (close(fd) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to close `%s': %s\n", progname, name, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } sync_dir(); for (rename_pass = 0; rename_pass < RENAME_PASSES; rename_pass++) { char *newname = mk_new_filename(fileno, rename_pass); show("rename(%s, %s)\n", name, newname); if (rename(name, newname) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to rename `%s' to `%s': %s\n", progname, name, newname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } sync_dir(); free(name); name = newname; } rename_pass--; free(name); } void do_child(void) { int fileno; char *dn = mk_dirname(); int dotcount; dir_fd = open(dn, O_RDONLY); if (dir_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to open dir `%s': %s\n", progname, dn, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } free(dn); dotcount = N_FILES / 10; if (dotcount == 0) dotcount = 1; for (fileno = 0; fileno < N_FILES; fileno++) { if (fileno % dotcount == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } do_one_file(fileno); if (fileno >= UNLINK_LAG) unlink_one_file(fileno - UNLINK_LAG, RENAME_PASSES - 1); } for (fileno = N_FILES - UNLINK_LAG; fileno < N_FILES; fileno++) unlink_one_file(fileno, RENAME_PASSES - 1); } void doit(void) { int child; int children_left; child_status = (int *)mmap( 0, n_threads * sizeof(*child_status), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if (child_status == MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap"); exit(1); } memset(child_status, 0, n_threads * sizeof(*child_status)); thread_group = -1; for (this_child_index = 0; this_child_index < n_threads; this_child_index++) { if (this_child_index % threads_per_dir == 0) { thread_group++; make_dir(); } if (fork() == 0) { int iter; for (iter = 0; iter < n_iters; iter++) do_child(); child_status[this_child_index] = 1; exit(0); } } /* Parent */ children_left = n_threads; while (children_left) { int status; if( wait3(&status, 0, 0) < 0 ) { if( errno != EINTR ) { perror("wait3"); exit(1); } continue; } for (child = 0; child < n_threads; child++) { if (child_status[child] == 1) { child_status[child] = 2; printf("*"); fflush(stdout); children_left--; } } } for (thread_group = 0; thread_group < ( n_threads / threads_per_dir ); thread_group++ ) remove_dir(); printf("\n"); } void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-fFosuv] [-p threads-pre-dir ][-n iters] [-t threads] dirname\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, " -f: Use fsync() on close\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -F: Use fsync() on parent dir\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n: Number of iterations\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -o: Open files O_SYNC\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p: Number of threads per directory\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t: Number of threads\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -u: Unlink files during test\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v: Verbose\n"); fprintf(stderr, " dirname: Directory to run tests in\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; progname = argv[0]; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "vFfout:n:p:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'f': use_fsync++; break; case 'F': fsync_dir++; break; case 'n': n_iters = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'o': use_osync++; break; case 'p': threads_per_dir = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 't': n_threads = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'u': do_unlink++; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; } } if (optind == argc) usage(); dirname = argv[optind++]; if (optind != argc) usage(); doit(); exit(0); }