Re: bzip2 support against 2.4.18

From: Tom Oehser (
Date: Tue Jul 16 2002 - 07:01:23 EST

> Also, bzip2 is not used because it needs around 1MiB for buffers when
> uncompressing, RAM which just isn't there when booting (it has to work in
> the mythical PC 640KiB, IIRC). Or am I missing something here?

The reason bzip2 has not been thought desirable is as much the slowerness
as it is the biggerness, not something to do with the 640, after all, the
difference betwixt zImage and bzImage already is that bzImage loads high.

Note, it does not require "around 1MiB", it requires 350K if -1 -s is used,
and 3700K if -9 is used. Reasonable use would be, say, 1600K for -6 -s, it
could certainly make a kernel that would boot in 4MB into one that requires
8MB, but, in many situations, that just isn't an issue, for example, if you
are going to be loading ramdisks, anyway, or an X server. -Tom

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