Re: Give Bartlomiej a break! (Re: Impressions of IDE 98?)

From: Mike Galbraith (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 03:13:51 EST

At 01:31 AM 7/21/2002 -0600, Thunder from the hill wrote:
>On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> > Since I know spit about IDE/ATA/ATAPI/SCSI, I'll keep my mouth shut and
> > leave judgement/"voting" to those who fully understand the technical
> issues.
>You probably shouldn't. Technical decisions should be made by technicians,
>but decisions about the technicians should be made by the human resources
>dept., and since we claim to be a constitutional monarchy, we might try
>out a democratic decision...

No, I'm absolutely sure I'm doing the right thing.

Regarding constitutional monarchy, that's high-grade horse shit. LT has always
been the benevolent dictator [1] of his tree.


1. aka heartless bastard. (for the humor impaired, those are his words;)

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