On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Craig I. Hagan wrote:
> I've seen the following error when booting a dell 2550 (dual p3, serverworks
> CNB20HE chipset):
> APIC error on CPU0: 08(08)
> (repeats until i hard reset the machine)
I can confirm this. Hardware is a dell 2400 (dual p3 coppermine, ServerWorks
CNB20LE chipset, gcc version 2.96 (Red Hat 7.2 base).
> I've seen this for every combination of 2.4.19-rc/ac patch that i've tried,
> however the 2.4.19-rc kernels work fine (my test system is currently running
> 2.4.19-rc3). I'd like to help resolve this issue, but I'm not quite sure as to
> where to start save rolling back all of the apic deltas in the -ac patch
> series.
I've run rc2 already and it was fine, rc2-ac2 did not work, ditto with
The .config (attached) is the same .config used for the rc2 kernel
with the exception of the new options. I've also attached a diff bettween the
-rc3-ac1 and the -rc2 kernel configs to see if there was anything odd
turned on.
A couple oddities I do have turned on (RZ1000 chipset, PIIX and PIIX tuning,
Intel RNG) should not cause problems (ie should be ignored).
James Bourne
> -- craig
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-- James Bourne, Supervisor Data Centre Operations Mount Royal College, Calgary, AB, CA www.mtroyal.ab.ca****************************************************************************** This communication is intended for the use of the recipient to which it is addressed, and may contain confidential, personal, and or privileged information. Please contact the sender immediately if you are not the intended recipient of this communication, and do not copy, distribute, or take action relying on it. Any communication received in error, or subsequent reply, should be deleted or destroyed. ******************************************************************************
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