gettimeofday() running backwards (again)

From: Michael Bauer (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 03:20:06 EST


(my first post to lkml, so please bear with me ;)

while trying to do some performance timings on my application, i stumbled
a strange behaviour of gettimeofday(). When called consecutive, sometimes
second call gives a time prior to the first call. This affects only
tv_usecs, not tv_secs.

My System is:
IBM Thinkpad 600E (Mobile PentiumII, 400MHz)
Debian woody
gcc 2.95.4
glibc6 2.2.5
Kernel 2.4.18 (problem occurs with and without preemptible patch)

Following the links in
<> i noticed that
behaviour is known already for quite a long time but it seems no one knows
exactly whats
going on.
So if i can do something to help hunt this bug down, here i am ;-)

Following is my sample program: (I know i am not checking tv_sec turnovers

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    struct timeval pre;
    struct timeval after;
    int ret;
    int count;
    int elapsed;

    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <number of loops>\n", argv[0]);

    for (count = 0; count < atoi(argv[1]); count ++) {

        ret = gettimeofday(&pre, 0);
        ret = gettimeofday(&after, 0);
        elapsed = (after.tv_usec - pre.tv_usec);

        if (elapsed < 0) {
            printf("Roundtrip: %i\n", elapsed);
            printf("pre: %i,%i\n", pre.tv_sec, pre.tv_usec);
            printf("aft: %i,%i\n", after.tv_sec, after.tv_usec);

This leads to following results:

mike@debian:~/DA/code/perf$ ./a.out 20000
Roundtrip: -8584
pre: 1027331594,794432
aft: 1027331594,785848
Roundtrip: -7196
pre: 1027331594,802279
aft: 1027331594,795083
Roundtrip: -6220
pre: 1027331594,811291
aft: 1027331594,805071
Roundtrip: -2218
pre: 1027331594,817912
aft: 1027331594,815694
Roundtrip: -21128
pre: 1027331594,847674
aft: 1027331594,826546
Roundtrip: -4081
pre: 1027331594,919140
aft: 1027331594,915059
Roundtrip: -22962
pre: 1027331594,968044
aft: 1027331594,945082
Roundtrip: -12667
pre: 1027331594,997757
aft: 1027331594,985090

(Note that tv_sec is always the same.)

curious, Mike

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