Re: 2.5.27 IDE: problems, again.

From: Stelian Pop (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 04:59:53 EST

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 11:19:59AM +1000, Brad Hards wrote:

> > Right now I'm trying to recover my disk partition...
> You are *out of your fscking mind*.

I do have some taste for the risk yes. However, until now I haven't
had any problems with 2.5 kernels.

> Why are you running 2.5 on a machine that has anything worth
> recovering on it? IDE or SCSI, no matter.

This is my laptop and I occasionnally use it to do kernel related
development. However, since I use this laptop for disconnected
work too (like reading mail etc).

I do have backups however, so the risk is rather limited.


Stelian Pop <>
Alcove -
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