On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 13:58:50 +0200, Jakob Oestergaard
<jakob@unthought.net> wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 12:50:28PM +0200, Martin Brulisauer wrote:
>> So it is.
>> At kernel level nothing will stop me to halt() the cpu, if I realy want
>> to. It is important to understand that tools (and all compilers are
>> just tools) will not enable me to write correct code.
>That is a lame argument.
>Macros are not a pretty solution, but it is as I see it the only way to
>achieve type safety in generic code. If someone else out there has
>other suggestions, please let me know - I actually like to be proven
>wrong (because that means I learn something new).
>I'd take macro-hell in generic code over void* hell in every single
>list-using part of the kernel any day.
There was a similar flare-up about a year ago when type safety was
added to the min and max macros. The initial implementation was a bit
strange, but the final one used some gcc-ism and now no one complains.
john alvord
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