Alpha opps on 2.4.19

From: James Stevenson (
Date: Sun Aug 04 2002 - 06:22:24 EST

During bootup the following happens.

Error (regular_file): read_system_map stat /boot/ failed
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 02bffc0000651608
init(1): Oops 0
pc = [<fffffc00003446a0>] ra = [<fffffc000034490c>] ps = 0000 Not
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf64-alpha
v0 = fffffc000055e6d0 t0 = 0007ffffffffff85 t1 = fffffc00001f2000
t2 = 02bffc00006515d8 t3 = fffffc0000654020 t4 = 00000000000003ff
t5 = 0000000000040305 t6 = 000000011ffff718 t7 = fffffc000bfcc000
s0 = 00000200001b49c0 s1 = fffffc000051a0c0 s2 = fffffc00005c6a28
s3 = fffffc000051a0c0 s4 = fffffc0000516880 s5 = fffffc000055e6d0
s6 = 0000000000000001
a0 = fffffc000051a0c0 a1 = fffffc0000516880 a2 = fffffc000055e6d0
a3 = 0000000000000001 a4 = 00000200001b49c0 a5 = 000000000000001a
t8 = 0000000000000008 t9 = 0000020000019020 t10= fffffc00003135c8
t11= fffffc000bfcfcd8 pv = 0000000000000000 at = 000002000002c788
gp = fffffc000060a180 sp = fffffc000bfcfab8
Trace:fffffc000034490c fffffc0000344ca8 fffffc000032bd08 fffffc00003469e8
Code: a4820640 40230521 4821b681 40210563 40610563 40640643 <a4230030>
Error (Oops_code_values): invalid value 0x482 in Code line, must be 2, 4, 8
or 16 digits, value ignored

>>PC; fffffc00003446a0 <do_anonymous_page+70/280> <=====
Trace; fffffc000034490c <do_no_page+5c/320>
Trace; fffffc0000344ca8 <handle_mm_fault+d8/1d0>
Trace; fffffc000032bd08 <do_page_fault+238/4f0>
Trace; fffffc00003469e8 <sys_munmap+78/e0>
Trace; 00000000000fffff Before first symbol
Code; fffffc0000344688 <do_anonymous_page+58/280>
0000000000000000 <_PC>:
Code; fffffc0000344688 <do_anonymous_page+58/280>
   0: 40 06 82 a4 ldq t3,1600(t1)
Code; fffffc000034468c <do_anonymous_page+5c/280>
   4: 21 05 23 40 subq t0,t2,t0
Code; fffffc0000344690 <do_anonymous_page+60/280>
   8: 81 b6 21 48 srl t0,0xd,t0
Code; fffffc0000344694 <do_anonymous_page+64/280>
   c: 63 05 21 40 s4subq t0,t0,t2
Code; fffffc0000344698 <do_anonymous_page+68/280>
  10: 63 05 61 40 s4subq t2,t0,t2
Code; fffffc000034469c <do_anonymous_page+6c/280>
  14: 43 06 64 40 s8addq t2,t3,t2
Code; fffffc00003446a0 <do_anonymous_page+70/280>
  18: 30 00 23 a4 ldq t0,48(t2)

Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!

2 errors issued. Results may not be reliable.

Mobile: +44 07779080838
 12:00pm up 13:47, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

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