Re: [PATCH] Linux-2.5 fix/improve get_pid()

From: Jim Houston (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 11:15:56 EST

I was doing some similar work last week and stumbled on the
this discussion. I have been working with the Posix timers
patch and was looking for a nice way to allocate ids for

I looked at get_pid() and also the code used for ipc/msg.c
and friends. I thought I could do better so I wrote the
attached routines. They are a subtle variation on the bitmap
theme. I'm mixing a bitmap with a sparse array which is implemented
as a radix tree. This means that the data structure
grows/shrinks as needed. The interface is:

        id = id_new(idp, pointer);
        id_remove(idp, id);
        pointer = id_lookup(idp, id);

The idp is a pointer to the structure which defines the id space.
This provides, not only the bitmap allocation of the id but also, mapping
the id to a pointer. In the case of pids, this would replace the
hash table used by find_task_by_pid().

So far I have been playing with this code in user space. I'm including
my test harness. I plan to try it with your program later today.
My program was written more to test correctness, but I do collect
a few numbers. Here is the output:

jhouston@linux:~/id > time ./id_test
avr_depth = 4996
id_lookup took 101 cycles
id_new took 204 cycles
id_remove took 148 cycles
real 0m3.476s

That's about 0.5us total to allocate an id, lookup a random id
and remove it with a table containing 5000 ids. The times
only double for 500000 ids.

Jim Houston - Concurrent Computer Corporation.

 * Small id to pointer translation service.
 * It uses a radix tree like structure as a sparse array indexed
 * by the id to obtain the pointer. The bitmap makes allocating
 * an new id quick.

#include "id.h"

#ifdef __KERNEL__
static kmem_cache_t *id_layer_cache;

void *id_lookup(struct id *idp, int id)
        int n = idp->layers * ID_BITS;
        struct id_layer *p = idp->top;

        if (id >= (1 << n))

        while (n > 0 && p) {
                n -= ID_BITS;
                p = p->ary[(id >> n) & ID_MASK];
        return((void *)p);

static int sub_alloc(struct id_layer *p, int shift, int id, void *ptr)
        int n = (id >> shift) & ID_MASK;
        int bitmap = p->bitmap;
        int id_base = id & ~((1 << (shift+ID_BITS))-1);
        int v;
        for ( ; n <= ID_MASK; n++, id = id_base + (n << shift)) {
                if (bitmap & (1 << n))
                if (shift == 0) {
                        p->ary[n] = (struct id_layer *)ptr;
                        p->bitmap |= 1<<n;
                if (!p->ary[n])
                        p->ary[n] = alloc_layer();
                if (v = sub_alloc(p->ary[n], shift-ID_BITS, id, ptr)) {
                        update_bitmap(p, n);

int id_new(struct id *idp, void *ptr)
        int n = idp->layers * ID_BITS;
        int last = idp->last;
        struct id_layer **p, *new;
        int id, v;
         * Add a new layer if the array is full or the last id
         * was at the limit and we don't want to wrap.
        if ((last == ((1 << n)-1) && last < idp->min_wrap) ||
                idp->count == (1 << n)) {
                n += ID_BITS;
                new = alloc_layer();
                new->ary[0] = idp->top;
                idp->top = new;
                update_bitmap(new, 0);
        if (last >= ((1 << n)-1))
                last = 0;

         * Search for a free id starting after last id allocated.
         * If that fails wrap back to start.
        id = last+1;
        if (!(v = sub_alloc(idp->top, n-ID_BITS, id, ptr)))
                v = sub_alloc(idp->top, n-ID_BITS, 1, ptr);
        idp->last = v;

static int sub_remove(struct id_layer *p, int shift, int id)
        int n = (id >> shift) & ID_MASK;
        int i, bitmap, rv;
if (!p) {
printf("in sub_remove for id=%d called with null pointer.\n", id);
        rv = 0;
        bitmap = p->bitmap & ~(1<<n);
        p->bitmap = bitmap;
        if (shift == 0) {
                p->ary[n] = NULL;
                rv = !bitmap;
        } else {
                if (sub_remove(p->ary[n], shift-ID_BITS, id)) {
                        p->ary[n] = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i < (1 << ID_BITS); i++)
                                if (p->ary[i])
                        if (i == (1 << ID_BITS))
                                rv = 1;

void id_remove(struct id *idp, int id)
        sub_remove(idp->top, (idp->layers-1)*ID_BITS, id);

void id_init(struct id *idp, int min_wrap)
#ifdef __KERNEL__
        id_layer_cache = kmem_cache_create("id_layer_cache",
                sizeof(struct id_layer), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        idp->count = 1;
        idp->last = 0;
        idp->layers = 1;
        idp->top = alloc_layer();
        idp->top->bitmap = 1;
        idp->min_wrap = min_wrap;

 * Small id to pointer translation service avoiding fixed sized
 * tables.

#define ID_BITS 5

#define ID_MASK ((1 << ID_BITS)-1)
#define ID_FULL ((1 << (1 << ID_BITS))-1)

struct id_layer {
        unsigned int bitmap: (1<<ID_BITS);
        struct id_layer *ary[1<<ID_BITS];

struct id {
        int layers;
        int last;
        int count;
        int min_wrap;
        struct id_layer *top;

void *id_lookup(struct id *idp, int id);
int id_new(struct id *idp, void *ptr);
void id_remove(struct id *idp, int id);
void id_init(struct id *idp, int min_wrap);

static inline update_bitmap(struct id_layer *p, int bit)
        if (p->ary[bit] && p->ary[bit]->bitmap == (typeof(p->bitmap))-1)
                p->bitmap |= 1<<bit;
                p->bitmap &= ~(1<<bit);

#ifndef __KERNEL__

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

static inline struct id_layer *alloc_layer()
        struct id_layer *new;

        new = (struct id_layer *)malloc(sizeof(struct id_layer));
        bzero((void *)new, sizeof(struct id_layer));

static inline void free_layer(struct id_layer *p)
        free((void *)p);


extern kmem_cache_t *id_layer_cache;

static inline struct id_layer *alloc_layer()
        return(kmem_cache_alloc(id_layer_cache, GFP_KERNEL));

static inline void free_layer(struct id_layer *p)
        kmem_cache_free(id_layer_cache, p);


 * Test program for id.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "id.h"

struct id my_id;

        int i, n;
        void *v;

        id_init(&my_id, 10000);

#define LIST_SZ 50000

struct id_list {
        int id;
        int ptr;
} id_list[LIST_SZ];

int list_cnt;
int new_cnt;
int max = 5000;
int count = 10000000;

long long avr_depth;

#define rdtsc(low,high) \
     __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high))
static inline unsigned long get_tsc(void)
        register unsigned long eax, edx;


        int n, i;
        void *v;
        unsigned long t1, t2, t3, t4;

        for (n = 0; n < count; n++) {
                 * favor insertion so we will tend to run will max
                 * id's active.
                if (list_cnt && (list_cnt > max || rand() < (RAND_MAX/4))) {
                        i = rand() % list_cnt;
                        v = id_lookup(&my_id, id_list[i].id);
                        if ((int)v != id_list[i].ptr) {
                                printf("list_cnt=%d, i=%d\n", list_cnt, i);
                                printf("failed id=%d, expected %d got %d\n",
                                        id_list[i].id, id_list[i].ptr, (int)v);
                        } else {
#if 0
                                printf("rm id=%d, ptr=%d\n",
                                        id_list[i].id, id_list[i].ptr);
                                id_remove(&my_id, id_list[i].id);
                        id_list[i] = id_list[--list_cnt];
                } else {
                        id_list[list_cnt].id = id_new(&my_id, (void *)new_cnt);
                        id_list[list_cnt].ptr = new_cnt;
#if 0
                        printf("ins id=%d, ptr=%d\n",
                                id_list[list_cnt].id, id_list[list_cnt].ptr);
                        avr_depth += list_cnt;
t1 = get_tsc();
id_lookup(&my_id, id_list[0].id);
t2 = get_tsc();
n = id_new(&my_id, (void *)++new_cnt);
t3 = get_tsc();
id_remove(&my_id, n);
t4 = get_tsc();

        for (i = 0; i < list_cnt; i++) {
                v = id_lookup(&my_id, id_list[i].id);
                if ((int)v != id_list[i].ptr) {
                        printf("failed id=%d, expected %d got %d\n",
                                id_list[i].id, id_list[i], (int)v);
                id_remove(&my_id, id_list[i].id);
        printf("my_id.count=%d\n", my_id.count);
        printf("new_cnt=%d\n", new_cnt);
        printf("avr_depth = %d\n", (int)(avr_depth/new_cnt));
        printf("id_lookup took %d cycles\n", t2-t1);
        printf("id_new took %d cycles\n", t3-t2);
        printf("id_remove took %d cycles\n", t4-t3);

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