Re: klibc and logging

From: Alexander Viro (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 05:38:46 EST

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Erik Andersen wrote:

> I would love to see an example of how to do an NFS mount w/o
> resorting to the C library at all. Plainly, having generic RPC
> code in the C library sucks, even if you trim it down. Having
> the entire NFS mount process live in application space, and not
> in the C library, is clearly a win....

See below - it's crud, but it works. Based of fs/nfs/nfsroot.c, moved
to userland with RPC done via syscalls and nothing else. Arguments are
passed via environment variables, replacing that with use of argv is
trivial... Other than syscalls uses: alarm(3), getenv(3), str... and
mem..., {s,}printf(3), htonl(3) and htons(3). About 4Kb of .text + .data
and aforementioned functions shouldn't add much to that.

Hardly usable as generic-purpose mount_nfs(8), but for nfsroot... I'd
prefer to have timeouts handled properly and code - cleaned up, but
other than that it should be usable.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Default path we try to mount. "%s" gets replaced by our IP address */
#define NFS_ROOT "/tftpboot/%s"
#define NFS_MAXPATHLEN 1024
#define NFS_MNT_PROGRAM 100005
#define NFS_MNT_PORT 627
#define NFS_PROGRAM 100003
#define NFS_PORT 2049
#define NFS2_VERSION 2
#define NFS3_VERSION 3
#define NFS_MNT_PROGRAM 100005
#define NFS_MNT3_VERSION 3
#define MNTPROC_MNT 1
#define MOUNTPROC3_MNT 1
#define RPC_PMAP_PROGRAM 100000
#define RPC_PMAP_PORT 111

#define NFS2_FHSIZE 32
#define NFS3_FHSIZE 64

#define RPC_VERSION 2

enum rpc_msg_type {
        RPC_CALL = 0,
        RPC_REPLY = 1

enum rpc_auth_flavor {
        RPC_AUTH_NULL = 0,
        RPC_AUTH_UNIX = 1,
        RPC_AUTH_SHORT = 2,
        RPC_AUTH_DES = 3,
        RPC_AUTH_KRB = 4,

enum rpc_reply_stat {
        RPC_MSG_ACCEPTED = 0,
        RPC_MSG_DENIED = 1

#define NFS_MAXFHSIZE 64
struct nfs_fh {
        unsigned short size;
        unsigned char data[NFS_MAXFHSIZE];

struct nfs2_fh {
        char data[NFS2_FHSIZE];


struct nfs_mount_data {
        int version;
        int fd;
        struct nfs2_fh old_root;
        int flags;
        int rsize;
        int wsize;
        int timeo;
        int retrans;
        int acregmin;
        int acregmax;
        int acdirmin;
        int acdirmax;
        struct sockaddr_in addr;
        char hostname[256];
        int namlen;
        unsigned int bsize;
        struct nfs_fh root;

#define NFS_MOUNT_SOFT 0x0001 /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_INTR 0x0002 /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_SECURE 0x0004 /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_POSIX 0x0008 /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_NOCTO 0x0010 /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_NOAC 0x0020 /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_TCP 0x0040 /* 2 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_VER3 0x0080 /* 3 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_KERBEROS 0x0100 /* 3 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_NONLM 0x0200 /* 3 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_BROKEN_SUID 0x0400 /* 4 */

static char nfs_root_name[256];
static u_int32_t root_server_addr;
static char root_server_path[256];

/* Address of NFS server */
static u_int32_t servaddr;

/* Name of directory to mount */
static char nfs_path[NFS_MAXPATHLEN];

/* NFS-related data */
static struct nfs_mount_data nfs_data = {
        .version = NFS_MOUNT_VERSION,
        .flags = NFS_MOUNT_NONLM, /* No lockd in nfs root yet */
        .rsize = NFS_DEF_FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE,
        .wsize = NFS_DEF_FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE,
        .bsize = 0,
        .timeo = 7,
        .retrans = 3,
        .acregmin = 3,
        .acregmax = 60,
        .acdirmin = 30,
        .acdirmax = 60,
static int nfs_port = -1;
static int mount_port;


                             Parsing of options


 * The following integer options are recognized
static struct nfs_int_opts {
        char *name;
        int *val;
} root_int_opts[] = {
        { "port", &nfs_port },
        { "rsize", &nfs_data.rsize },
        { "wsize", &nfs_data.wsize },
        { "timeo", &nfs_data.timeo },
        { "retrans", &nfs_data.retrans },
        { "acregmin", &nfs_data.acregmin },
        { "acregmax", &nfs_data.acregmax },
        { "acdirmin", &nfs_data.acdirmin },
        { "acdirmax", &nfs_data.acdirmax },
        { NULL, NULL }

 * And now the flag options
static struct nfs_bool_opts {
        char *name;
        int and_mask;
        int or_mask;
} root_bool_opts[] = {
        { "soft", ~NFS_MOUNT_SOFT, NFS_MOUNT_SOFT },
        { "hard", ~NFS_MOUNT_SOFT, 0 },
        { "intr", ~NFS_MOUNT_INTR, NFS_MOUNT_INTR },
        { "nointr", ~NFS_MOUNT_INTR, 0 },
        { "posix", ~NFS_MOUNT_POSIX, NFS_MOUNT_POSIX },
        { "noposix", ~NFS_MOUNT_POSIX, 0 },
        { "cto", ~NFS_MOUNT_NOCTO, 0 },
        { "nocto", ~NFS_MOUNT_NOCTO, NFS_MOUNT_NOCTO },
        { "ac", ~NFS_MOUNT_NOAC, 0 },
        { "noac", ~NFS_MOUNT_NOAC, NFS_MOUNT_NOAC },
        { "lock", ~NFS_MOUNT_NONLM, 0 },
        { "nolock", ~NFS_MOUNT_NONLM, NFS_MOUNT_NONLM },
#ifdef CONFIG_NFS_V3
        { "v2", ~NFS_MOUNT_VER3, 0 },
        { "v3", ~NFS_MOUNT_VER3, NFS_MOUNT_VER3 },
        { "udp", ~NFS_MOUNT_TCP, 0 },
        { "tcp", ~NFS_MOUNT_TCP, NFS_MOUNT_TCP },
        { "broken_suid",~NFS_MOUNT_BROKEN_SUID, NFS_MOUNT_BROKEN_SUID },
        { NULL, 0, 0 }
 * Parse option string.
static void root_nfs_parse(char *name, char *buf)
        char *options, *val, *cp;

        if ((options = strchr(name, ','))) {
                *options++ = 0;
                cp = strtok(options, ",");
                while (cp) {
                        if ((val = strchr(cp, '='))) {
                                struct nfs_int_opts *opts = root_int_opts;
                                *val++ = '\0';
                                while (opts->name && strcmp(opts->name, cp))
                                if (opts->name)
                                        *(opts->val) = (int) strtoul(val, NULL, 10);
                        } else {
                                struct nfs_bool_opts *opts = root_bool_opts;
                                while (opts->name && strcmp(opts->name, cp))
                                if (opts->name) {
                                        nfs_data.flags &= opts->and_mask;
                                        nfs_data.flags |= opts->or_mask;
                        cp = strtok(NULL, ",");
        if (name[0] && strcmp(name, "default")) {
                strncpy(buf, name, NFS_MAXPATHLEN-1);
                buf[NFS_MAXPATHLEN-1] = 0;

 * Prepare the NFS data structure and parse all options.
static int root_nfs_name(char *name)
        char buf[NFS_MAXPATHLEN];
        struct utsname uname_buf;

        /* Set some default values */
        strcpy(buf, NFS_ROOT);

        /* Process options received from the remote server */
        root_nfs_parse(root_server_path, buf);

        /* Override them by options set on kernel command-line */
        root_nfs_parse(name, buf);

        if (strlen(buf) + strlen(uname_buf.nodename) > NFS_MAXPATHLEN) {
                printf("nfsroot: Pathname for remote directory too long.\n");
                return -1;
        sprintf(nfs_path, buf, uname_buf.nodename);

        return 1;


               Routines to actually mount the root directory


 * Construct sockaddr_in from address and port number.
static inline void
set_sockaddr(struct sockaddr_in *sin, u_int32_t addr, u_int16_t port)
        memset(sin, 0, sizeof(*sin));
        sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
        sin->sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
        sin->sin_port = port;

 * Extremely crude RPC-over-UDP call. We get an already encoded request
 * to pass, we do that and put the reply into buffer. That (and callers
 * below - getport, getfh2 and getfh3) should be replaced with proper
 * librpc use. Now, if we only had one that wasn't bloated as a dead
 * gnu that had lied for a while under the sun...

static u_int32_t XID;
static int flag;
static void timeout(int n)
        flag = 1;
static int do_call(struct sockaddr_in *sin, u_int32_t msg[], u_int32_t rmsg[],
                u_int32_t len, u_int32_t rlen)
        struct sockaddr_in from;
        int slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
        struct timeval tv = {1, 0};
        int n;
        int fd;

        signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
        fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
        if (fd < 0)
                goto Esocket;
        setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (void*)&tv, sizeof(tv));
        len *= 4;
        if (sendto(fd, msg, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)sin, slen)!=len)
                goto Esend;
        setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void*)&tv, sizeof(tv));
        flag = 0;
        rlen *= 4;
        do {
                slen = sizeof(from);
                n = recvfrom(fd, rmsg, rlen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&from, &slen);
                if (flag || n < 0)
                        goto Erecv;
        } while (memcmp(&from, sin, sizeof(from)) || rmsg[0] != msg[0]);

        if (n < 6*4 || n % 4 || ntohl(rmsg[1]) != 1 || rmsg[2] ||
                                        rmsg[3] || rmsg[4] || rmsg[5])
                goto Einval;
        return n / 4 - 6;

Esend: printf("rpc: write failed\n");
        goto out;
Erecv: printf("rpc: read failed\n");
        goto out;
Einval: printf("rpc: invalid response\n");
        goto out;
Esocket:printf("rpc: can't create socket\n");
        return -1;
        return -1;

enum {
        PMAP_GETPORT = 3

static void do_header(u_int32_t msg[], u_int32_t prog, u_int32_t vers, u_int32_t proc)
        msg[0] = XID++;
        msg[1] = htonl(RPC_CALL);
        msg[2] = htonl(RPC_VERSION);
        msg[3] = htonl(prog);
        msg[4] = htonl(vers);
        msg[5] = htonl(proc);
        msg[6] = htonl(RPC_AUTH_NULL);
        msg[7] = htonl(0);
        msg[8] = htonl(RPC_AUTH_NULL);
        msg[9] = htonl(0);

static int getport(u_int32_t prog, u_int32_t vers, u_int32_t prot)
        struct sockaddr_in sin;
        unsigned msg[14];
        unsigned rmsg[7];
        int n;
        set_sockaddr(&sin, servaddr, htons(RPC_PMAP_PORT));
        msg[10] = htonl(prog);
        msg[11] = htonl(vers);
        msg[12] = htonl(prot);
        msg[13] = htonl(0);
        n = do_call(&sin, msg, rmsg, 14, 7);
        if (n <= 0)
                return -1;
                return ntohl(rmsg[6]);

static int getfh2(void)
        struct sockaddr_in sin;
        unsigned msg[10+1+256/4];
        unsigned rmsg[6 + 1 + NFS2_FHSIZE/4];
        int n;
        int len = strlen(nfs_path);
        set_sockaddr(&sin, servaddr, mount_port);

        if (len > 255) {
                printf("nfsroot: pathname is too long");
                return -1;
        memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
        msg[10] = htonl(len);
        strcpy((char*)&msg[11], nfs_path);
        n = do_call(&sin, msg, rmsg, 11 + (len + 3)/4, 7 + NFS2_FHSIZE/4);
        if (n < 0)
                return -1;
        if (n != NFS2_FHSIZE/4 + 1)
                goto Esize;
        if (rmsg[6]) {
                printf("nfsroot: mountd returned an error (%d)",htonl(rmsg[6]));
                return -1;
        nfs_data.root.size = NFS2_FHSIZE;
        memcpy(, &rmsg[7], NFS2_FHSIZE);
        return 0;
        printf("nfsroot: bad fhandle size");
        return -1;

static int getfh3(void)
        struct sockaddr_in sin;
        unsigned msg[10+1+256/4];
        unsigned rmsg[6 + 1 + 1 + NFS3_FHSIZE/4];
        int n;
        int len = strlen(nfs_path);
        int size;
        set_sockaddr(&sin, servaddr, mount_port);

        if (len > 255) {
                printf("nfsroot: pathname is too long");
                return -1;
        memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
        msg[10] = htonl(len);
        strcpy((char*)&msg[11], nfs_path);
        n = do_call(&sin, msg, rmsg, 11 + (len + 3)/4, 8 + NFS3_FHSIZE/4);
        if (n < 0)
                return -1;
        if (n <= 2)
                goto Esize;
        if (rmsg[6]) {
                printf("nfsroot: mountd returned an error (%d)",htonl(rmsg[6]));
                return -1;
        size = ntohl(rmsg[7]);
        if (size > NFS3_FHSIZE || n != 2 + size/4)
                goto Esize;
        nfs_data.root.size = size;
        memcpy(, &rmsg[8], size);
        return 0;
        printf("nfsroot: bad fhandle size");
        return -1;

 * Use portmapper to find mountd and nfsd port numbers if not overriden
 * by the user. Use defaults if portmapper is not available.
 * XXX: Is there any nfs server with no portmapper?
static int root_nfs_ports(void)
        int port;
        int nfsd_ver, mountd_ver;
        int proto;

        if (nfs_data.flags & NFS_MOUNT_VER3) {
                nfsd_ver = NFS3_VERSION;
                mountd_ver = NFS_MNT3_VERSION;
        } else {
                nfsd_ver = NFS2_VERSION;
                mountd_ver = NFS_MNT_VERSION;

        proto = (nfs_data.flags & NFS_MOUNT_TCP) ? IPPROTO_TCP : IPPROTO_UDP;

        if (nfs_port < 0) {
                if ((port = getport(NFS_PROGRAM, nfsd_ver, proto)) < 0) {
                        printf("nfsroot: Unable to get nfsd port "
                                        "number from server, using default\n");
                        port = NFS_PORT;
                nfs_port = htons(port);
                printf("nfsroot: Portmapper on server returned %d "
                        "as nfsd port\n", port);

        if ((port = getport(NFS_MNT_PROGRAM, mountd_ver, proto)) < 0) {
                printf("nfsroot: Unable to get mountd port "
                                "number from server, using default\n");
                port = NFS_MNT_PORT;
        mount_port = htons(port);
        printf("nfsroot: mountd port is %d\n", port);

        return 0;

int main()
        unsigned char *p;
        struct timeval tv;
        char *s;

        s = getenv("root_server_addr");
        if (s)
                root_server_addr = strtoul(s, NULL, 10);
        s = getenv("root_server_path");
        if (s)
                strncpy(root_server_path, s, 255);
        s = getenv("nfs_root_name");
        if (s)
                strncpy(nfs_root_name, s, 255);

         * Decode the root directory path name and NFS options from
         * the kernel command line. This has to go here in order to
         * be able to use the client IP address for the remote root
         * directory (necessary for pure RARP booting).
        if (root_nfs_name(nfs_root_name) < 0)
                return 0;
        if ((servaddr = root_server_addr) == INADDR_NONE) {
                printf("nfsroot: No NFS server available, giving up.\n");
                return 0;

        p = (char *) &servaddr;
        sprintf(nfs_data.hostname, "%d.%d.%d.%d", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);

        printf("nfsroot: Mounting %s on server %s as root\n",
                nfs_path, nfs_data.hostname);
        printf("nfsroot: rsize = %d, wsize = %d, timeo = %d, retrans = %d\n",
                nfs_data.rsize, nfs_data.wsize, nfs_data.timeo, nfs_data.retrans);
        printf("nfsroot: acreg (min,max) = (%d,%d), acdir (min,max) = (%d,%d)\n",
                nfs_data.acregmin, nfs_data.acregmax,
                nfs_data.acdirmin, nfs_data.acdirmax);
        printf("nfsroot: nfsd port = %d, mountd port = %d, flags = %08x\n",
                nfs_port, mount_port, nfs_data.flags);

        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        XID = (tv.tv_sec << 15) ^ tv.tv_usec;

        if (root_nfs_ports() < 0)
                return 0;
        if (nfs_data.flags & NFS_MOUNT_VER3) {
                if (getfh3())
                        return 0;
        } else {
                if (getfh2())
                        return 0;
        set_sockaddr((struct sockaddr_in *) &nfs_data.addr, servaddr, nfs_port);
        return mount("/dev/root", "/mnt", "nfs", 0, &nfs_data) == 0;

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