> From: James Cleverdon [mailto:jamesclv@us.ibm.com]
> > What happens when you use the FULL ACPI support? I suspect
> that you really
> > do want the interpreter, in order to evaluate _PRTs properly.
> Bingo! With full ACPI turned on, the system does indeed
> boot. The extra I/O
> APIC entries are being programmed from the PRT.
> (Call chain is: pci_acpi_init --> acpi_pci_irq_init -->
> mp_parse_prt -->
> io_apic_set_pci_routing)
> So, given that quite a number of our customers would like to run with
> hyperthreading turned on, but do not want full ACPI, what is
> the right thing
> to do in the HT-only case? Add extra code to process the
> PRT? Fall back on
> MPS's IRQ records? Something else entirely?
The solution is ACPI. Full ACPI. What is the problem? I have devoted too
much time already to make hybrid ACPI/MPS combos work, but that will never
be the right solution.
Please have your customers email me privately and tell me why ~100KB of mem
on a 1GB+ system is something us engineers should spend our valuable time
hacking around, when the correct solution already is implemented and
Regards -- Andy
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