90 Day Trial Offer !
Investors Edge International has a stock, and option service that is making
leaps in this volatile market. We have a stock service or option service
for 95 dollars a month. Or you may get both services for 150 dollars a month.
Here`s how it works. You pay 95 dollars for either service or 150 dollars
for both services, and you will not be billed again for 90 days. That gives
you 3 months to see how good our analysts are. If you are satisfied we will
bill you monthly after your 90 day trial period. If you are not satisfied
we will not bill after 90 days. We guarantee you 2 recommendations a week
for each service. That means 8 recommendations, or 16 recommendations a
month if you choose both services. We would guess a track record of some
type is in order. So here`s a track record for each service the last 30 days.
First our stock service results are: At&T(T) 9.70-12.30 +27%,Comcast(CMCSK) 21.90-24.25 +12%,
Cisco Systems(CSCO) 12.50-14.75 +15%, Oracle 9.60-10.93 +13%,
Applied Materials(AMAT) 14.00-15.47 +11%, Office Depot 13.50-14.69 +9%.
Not bad for the last 30 days.
Our option service is a little more impressive.
Qwest(Q TA) 3.30-3.50 +3%,Nasdaq(QAV TW) .75-1.70 +125%, Nasdaq(QAV TX) 1.10-2.25 +105%,
Tyco (TYC TC) 2.35-4.10 +72%, AOL(AOL UB) .80-1.40 +80%, AOL(AOL VU) .50-.80 +60%.
Need we say more! Pay once and don`t pay for 90 days. Our analysts are eager to show you,
and our consultants are eager to serve you.
Don`t delay SIGN UP TODAY!
Welcome ,
The Edge Team 800-409-9918
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