Jean-Eric Cuendet wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to develop a filesystem driver. It will be able to access SMB
> shares without mountnig.
> I'll do a daemon that use libsmbclient from Samba 3.0 that do all the
> dirty stuff (getting the available domains, authenticating, getting
> files, etc...) and a device driver that will be a filesystem driver.
> The driver should communicate with the daemon to ask him about shares,
> machines, domains, etc...
> The idea is:
> - the daemon should be started by "/etc/init.d/browser start" at
> beginning
> - The daemon loads the driver into the kernel
> - The daemon then mounts the filesystem on /smb using the filesystem
> provided by the driver
> - The driver waits for file requests on /smb to serve them
> The hierarchy will be :
> /smb --|-- WG1 --|-- Machine1 --|-- Share1
> | | |-- Share2
> | |-- Machine2 --|-- Share1
> | |-- Share2
> | |-- Share3
> |
> |-- WG2 --|-- Machine3 --|-- Share1
> |-- DOM1 --|-- Machine4 --|-- etc...
> |-- DOM2 --|-- Machine5
> Then the user access /smb/WG2/Machine38/Share12/Dir1/File2
> Cool, no?
I see some shortcomings :
How will you handle multiple users ?
Janice and Bob have accounts on the Linux client and both want to have
access at the same time to their [Home] for example :
|-- DOM1 --|-- Machine4--|--[Home]
How will you handle users with multiple logins on a Domain/Machine ?
Maybe you'd be better starting with something like :
user's could provide something like a ".smbwalker.config"
with lines like
login_to_try how_to_get_credential
local_user_home_directory--|--smb could be mounted by automount or
mounted/umounted on first login/end of last session
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