Hi all,
This is my first posting to this list, and I am not subscribed (so
please cc me in on any replies to this thread -thanks), however I do follow
the kernel traffic weekly mail.
I have recently acquired a Rio Riot 20Gb HDD USB MP3 Player, and I have
had no luck finding a device driver so far, but I am willing to help with
testing and possibly a bit of development (I am more accustomed to writing
in Borland/FreePascal than c however). Does anyone know of a driver
project, or shall I start one off? Is this better done in user-space?
I apologise in advance if I have taken this to an inappropriate forum,
or broken any of the guidelines for this list, however I did read section 3
of the FAQ first.
Thanks in advance,
Martyn Ranyard
Free Software Advocate
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