RE: Calculating kernel logical address ..

From: Richard B. Johnson (
Date: Mon Sep 09 2002 - 13:00:35 EST

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Imran Badr wrote:

> The virt_to_bus() macro would work only for kernel logical addresses. I am
> trying to find a portable way to figure out the kernel logical address of a
> user buffer so that I could use virt_to_bus() for DMA. The user address is
> mmap'ed from kmalloc'ed buffer in the mmap() entry of my driver. Now when
> the user wants to send this data to the PCI device, it makes an ioctl call
> and give the user address to the driver. Now driver has to figure out the
> kernel logical address for DMA.
> Thanks,
> Imran.

Well I just read Documentation/DMA-mapping.txt as advised by David
and it seems as though it will no longer be possible to do what
many programmers have been wanting to do, to wit:

(1) In user-code, allocate a buffer.
(2) Lock that buffer into memory.
(3) Call some driver that DMAs data to/from that buffer.

Although I have never done this, I have heard that this is what
screen-cards (X-Servers), and audio boards have been doing. Also,
I'm told my some M$xperts that this is what "Direct-X" does. I
don't know anything about the direct-to/from user DMA, as is obvious,
but if that's being closed-off, there may be a problem that's
just beginning.

For some reason, (claimed performance reasons) user-mode code
has to be able to get data directly from hardware with no
intervening copy operation. I think any claimed advantage goes
away when you look at the overhead necessary for user-mode
code to sleep before, and awaken after, the DMA operation but
often marketing departments make those decisions.

So, is it correct that you cannot DMA to/from a user buffer?

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
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