make menuconfig problem

From: Tim Spriggs (
Date: Sun Oct 06 2002 - 00:06:57 EST

I got this when I selected the alsa branch of the kernel configuration
with kernel 2.5.40:

| Menuconfig has encountered a possible error in one of the kernel's
| configuration files and is unable to continue. Here is the error
| report:
| Q> ./scripts/Menuconfig: line 823: MCmenu74: command not found
| Please report this to the maintainer <>. You may also
| send a problem report to <>.
| Please indicate the kernel version you are trying to configure and
| which menu you were trying to enter when this error occurred.
| make: *** [menuconfig] Error 1

If there is anything I can do to help fix this, let me know.


                     < PRE >
| T I M S P R I G G S |
| Assistant Sysadmin - Development |
| College of Engineering and Mines |
| ECE206A - (520) 621-3185 |
                     </PRE >

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