Mark Cuss wrote:
>Speaking of performance.... :)
>Has anyone done any testing on a dual CPU configuration like this? I've
>been testing this box with both the RedHat 8 Stock Kernel (2.4.18.something)
>and 2.4.19 from Currently, I can't make the thing perform
>anywhere near as fast as my Dual PIII 1 Ghz box (running 2.4.7 for the last
>325 days...) . I've been compiling the same block of code on both the
>machines and comparing the times. The PIII box is around 7 s, while the new
>Xeon Box is 13 or 14s...
>My thinking was that since the CPUs are much faster, and the FSB is faster,
>and the disk controller is faster, that the computer would be faster.
>The hardware is obviously faster, I'm sure its just something I've done
>wrong in the kernel configuration... If anyone has any advice or words of
>wisdom, I'd really appreciate them...
Try shutting off hyperthreading in the bios. Keep in mind
hyperthreading is net loss if you are running a single nonthreaded app.
Also you might want to check if there aren't io speed issues.
A good way to see the effects positive effects of hyperthreading is a
kernel compile. A "make -j 4 bzImage" should be much much faster on the
Xeon system with hyperthreading than a P3.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "James Cleverdon" <>
>To: <>; "Samuel Flory" <>
>Cc: "Mark Cuss" <>; <>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 1:28 PM
>Subject: Re: Kernel reports 4 CPUS instead of 2...
>>On Wednesday 16 October 2002 10:54 am, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
>>>On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Samuel Flory wrote:
>>>>>On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Mark Cuss wrote:
>>>>>This is the correct behavior. If you don't like this, you can
>>>>>swap motherboards with me ;) Otherwise, grin and bear it!
>>>> Wouldn't it be easier just to turn off the hypertreading or jackson
>>>>tech option in the bios ;-)
>>>Why would you ever want to turn it off? You paid for a CPU with
>>>two execution units and you want to disable one? This makes
>>>no sense unless you are using Windows/2000/Professional, which
>>>will trash your disks and all their files if you have two
>>>or more CPUs (true).
>>No, you're thinking of IBM's Power4 chip, which really does have two CPU
>>on one chip, sharing only the L2 cache.
>>The P4 hyperthreading shares just about all CPU resources between the two
>>threads of execution. There are only separate registers, local APIC, and
>>some other minor logic for each "CPU" to call its own. All execution
>>are demand shared between them. (The new "pause" opcode, rep nop, allows
>>half to yield resources to the other half.)
>>That's why typical job mixes only get around 20% improvement. Even
>>benchmarks, which run only integer code on one side and floating point on
>>other only get around a 40% boost. The P4 just doesn't have all that many
>>execution units to go around. Future chips will probably do better.
>>>Dick Johnson
>>>Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
>>>The US military has given us many words, FUBAR, SNAFU, now ENRON.
>>>Yes, top management were graduates of West Point and Annapolis.
>>James Cleverdon
>>IBM xSeries Linux Solutions
>>{jamesclv(Unix, preferred), cleverdj(Notes)} at us dot ibm dot com
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