Is anybody currently responsible for writing a 2.4.x -> 2.6.x
migration FAQ/HOWTO/guide at all?
I know, in theory, you should just be able to do a 'make oldconfig',
etc, etc, but we really want to encourage people to move from, say,
OSS to ALSA, and to start using things that were experimental in
2.4.x, but not experimental in 2.6.x
If nobody else is already responsible for making such a document, I'd
be quite interested in collecting the necessary info from the various
maintainers, and collating it in to a usable document.
I think it would be quite useful, because without such an effort, I
think that there will be quite a few 2.6.x boxen out there which are
using no new features over 2.4.x, and as a result aren't going to feel
as much of an improvement as they could do.
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