Use the -ac tree. (that is the long and short of it, until the bigwhig
hackers start paying attention to 2.4 users again and alan's tree full of
IDE goodness can be merged into marcelo's tree ;-))
Gentoo Linux Kernel Dude
On Fri, 10/25/02 at 11:15:04 +0100, Ian Leonard wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am trying to get the hpt372 ide to work (not as a raid).
> I have tried 2.4.19 and with patch-2.4.20-pre11.
> On boot, 'ide: lost interrupt' is printed, although the hpt372
> is detected. Partitions on ide can be mounted but soon
> fail with busy errors.
> I tried Highpoints Linux driver. This seems to work but
> uses the scsi interface. Other messages in the archive
> suggest that the 372 should work.
> Anybody got this to work?
> TIA.
> --
> Ian Leonard
> eMail:
> Phone: +44 (0)1865 765273
> Please ignore spelling and punctuation - I did.
> -
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