Re: One for the Security Guru's

From: Rogier Wolff (
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 05:17:51 EST

On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 10:43:29AM +0000, Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:
> But my point is, that these beasts normally don't run a general
> purpose operating system and that they're much less prone to buffer
> overflow or similar attacks, simply because they don't use popular
> software with known bugs (e.g. OpenSSL) or these functions (like
> doing crypto) are in hardware.

The script kiddies simply haven't bothered to attack these boxes yet.
When they are done with the bugs in the common oses, they will move on
to other targets...

And you say that a "root shell" on the box doesn't give you root on
the application server? It might be too hard for a "worm" but it will
be easy for a human.


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