On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 06:40:08PM +0100, Vojtech Pavlik wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 09:05:38PM -0400, Zephaniah E. Hull wrote:
> > To make a long story short, mousedev.c does not properly implement the
> > EXPS/2 protocol, specificly dealing with the wheel.
> >
> > The lower 8 bits of the 4th byte are supposed to be 0x1 or 0xf to
> > indicate movement of the first wheel, and 0x2 or 0xe for the second
> > wheel.
> No, see microsoft documentation. They're expected to be a 4-bit signed
> binary complement value that indicates the amount of movement.
After some poking, two questions.
The first is the URL for the documentation in question? This seems
inconsistent with what I remember reading in the past, but can't seem to
find anymore.
The second is if you have actually seen hardware which /actually/
generates the wheel data described while speaking exps2?
> > Attached is a patch to correct this.
> >
> > This does not get my two wheel mouse working perfectly yet, sadly that
> > will take a bit of a hack, and I'm not sure where the best place to put
> > it is yet, but this gets it back to generating correct data.
> PS/2 A4-Tech mouse do the ugly trick you describe above to stuff two
> wheel information into a single-wheel oriented ImExPS/2 protocol. USB
> A4-Tech mouse do another ugly trick (additional button which specifies
> which wheel is rotating). I'm not interested in supporting these ugly
> tricks.
Sadly, if PS/2 mice are any indication, mouse makers /will/ manage to
fuck things up on enough popular mice under USB as well, and there needs
to be a place to shove the dirty hacks needed to make things Just Work
for users..
At least with USB stuff we can /identify/ the damn things, which means
that we are leaps and bounds ahead of where we are for PS2 stuff.
> If you want to support the H-Wheel in GPM, then please add
> /dev/input/event support into GPM. (simple patch attached, you may need
> to do more changes, namely for h-wheel).
Thanks, my next gpm upload should include it, now to get support for the
same for X.. (Arrgh, X hacking is even lower on my list of things to do
then kernel hacking is. Probably because I've done more of it.)
-- 1024D/E65A7801 Zephaniah E. Hull <warp@babylon.d2dc.net> 92ED 94E4 B1E6 3624 226D 5727 4453 008B E65A 7801 CCs of replies from mailing lists are requested.Has anyone got a reference cynic? I think I need to recalibrate myself. -- James Riden in the SDM.
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