On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 05:52:59PM +0100, Bernd Petrovitsch wrote:
> Matt Porter <porter@cox.net> wrote:
> >Thank you. This is exactly why in the last CONFIG_TINY thread I made
> >it clear that a one-size-fits-all option is not all that helpful for
> >serious embedded systems designers.
> >
> >Collecting these parameters in a single tweaks.h file and perhaps using
> >things like CONFIG_TINY, CONFIG_DESKTOP, CONFIG_FOO as profile selectors
> In an ideal world there would be several options invidually
> selectable.
But there is? Please look at 2.5.44-config. Or did I misunderstand
you. Anyways, this work is far from the point where how this is
selected is a major concern.
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