AIM Independent Resource Benchmark - Suite IX v1.1, January 22, 1996
Copyright (c) 1996 - 2001 Caldera International, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Machine's name : reg
Machine's configuration :
Number of seconds to run each test [2 to 1000] : 60
Path to disk files : /tmp
Starting time: Fri Nov 15 14:30:22 2002
Projected Run Time: 1:00:00
Projected finish: Fri Nov 15 15:30:22 2002
Test Test Elapsed CPU Utilization Iteration
Iteration Operation
Number Name Time (sec) User System Count Rate
(loops/sec) Rate (ops/sec)
1 add_double 60.06 58.00 0.00 1060
17.64902 317682.32 Thousand Double Precision Additions/second
2 add_float 60.03 59.00 0.00 1598
26.62002 319440.28 Thousand Single Precision Additions/second
3 add_long 60.02 59.00 0.00 990
16.49450 989670.11 Thousand Long Integer Additions/second
4 add_int 60.02 59.00 0.00 990
16.49450 989670.11 Thousand Integer Additions/second
5 add_short 60.01 59.00 0.00 2820
46.99217 1127812.03 Thousand Short Integer Additions/second
6 creat-clo 60.03 1.00 55.00 1359
22.63868 22638.68 File Creations and Closes/second
7 page_test 60.02 4.00 55.00 2108
35.12163 59706.76 System Allocations & Pages/second
8 brk_test 60.03 12.00 47.00 1417
23.60486 401282.69 System Memory Allocations/second
9 jmp_test 60.00 59.00 0.00 255529
4258.81667 4258816.67 Non-local gotos/second
10 signal_test 60.00 10.00 49.00 5134
85.56667 85566.67 Signal Traps/second
11 exec_test 60.02 0.00 4.00 1767
29.44019 147.20 Program Loads/second
12 fork_test 60.04 0.00 22.00 607
10.10993 1010.99 Task Creations/second
13 link_test 60.00 2.00 57.00 13948
232.46667 14645.40 Link/Unlink Pairs/second
14 disk_rr 60.36 2.00 53.00 271
4.48973 22987.41 Random Disk Reads (K)/second
15 disk_rw 60.03 2.00 53.00 233
3.88139 19872.73 Random Disk Writes (K)/second
16 disk_rd 60.01 4.00 54.00 2089
34.81086 178231.63 Sequential Disk Reads (K)/second
17 disk_wrt 60.17 1.00 55.00 334
5.55094 28420.81 Sequential Disk Writes (K)/second
18 disk_cp 60.17 2.00 55.00 269
4.47067 22889.81 Disk Copies (K)/second
19 sync_diskrw 62.56 0.00 2.00 4
0.06394 163.68 Sync Random Disk Writes (K)/second
20 sync_diskwrt 61.51 0.00 3.00 10
0.16258 416.19 Sync Sequential Disk Writes (K)/second
21 sync_diskcp 61.95 0.00 3.00 10
0.16142 413.24 Sync Disk Copies (K)/second
22 disk_src 60.00 7.00 51.00 9696
161.60000 12120.00 Directory Searches/second
23 div_double 60.04 59.00 0.00 1086
18.08794 54263.82 Thousand Double Precision Divides/second
24 div_float 60.04 57.00 0.00 1052
17.52165 52564.96 Thousand Single Precision Divides/second
25 div_long 60.05 59.00 0.00 883
14.70441 13233.97 Thousand Long Integer Divides/second
26 div_int 60.04 59.00 0.00 883
14.70686 13236.18 Thousand Integer Divides/second
27 div_short 60.03 59.00 0.00 883
14.70931 13238.38 Thousand Short Integer Divides/second
28 fun_cal0 60.03 59.00 0.00 2507
41.76245 21382375.48 Function Calls (no arguments)/second
29 fun_cal1 60.01 59.00 0.00 5731
95.50075 48896383.94 Function Calls (1 argument)/second
30 fun_cal2 60.01 59.00 0.00 3658
60.95651 31209731.71 Function Calls (2 arguments)/second
31 fun_cal_15 60.03 58.00 0.00 1272
21.18941 10848975.51 Function Calls (15 arguments)/second
32 sieve 60.58 59.00 1.00 59
0.97392 4.87 Integer Sieves/second
33 mul_double 60.03 59.00 0.00 953
15.87540 190504.75 Thousand Double Precision Multiplies/second
34 mul_float 60.06 59.00 0.00 951
15.83417 190009.99 Thousand Single Precision Multiplies/second
35 mul_long 60.00 54.00 0.00 39123
652.05000 156492.00 Thousand Long Integer Multiplies/second
36 mul_int 60.00 59.00 0.00 42726
712.10000 170904.00 Thousand Integer Multiplies/second
37 mul_short 60.01 60.00 0.00 34316
571.83803 171551.41 Thousand Short Integer Multiplies/second
38 num_rtns_1 60.00 59.00 0.00 18394
306.56667 30656.67 Numeric Functions/second
39 new_raph 60.00 59.00 0.00 60829
1013.81667 202763.33 Zeros Found/second
40 trig_rtns 60.03 58.00 0.00 1207
20.10661 201066.13 Trigonometric Functions/second 41
matrix_rtns 60.00 59.00 0.00 228487
3808.11667 380811.67 Point Transformations/second
42 array_rtns 60.05 60.00 0.00 441
7.34388 146.88 Linear Systems Solved/second
43 string_rtns 60.01 59.00 0.00 483
8.04866 804.87 String Manipulations/second
44 mem_rtns_1 60.08 29.00 31.00 652
10.85220 325565.91 Dynamic Memory Operations/second
45 mem_rtns_2 60.00 59.00 0.00 72518
1208.63333 120863.33 Block Memory Operations/second 46
sort_rtns_1 60.02 60.00 0.00 1295
21.57614 215.76 Sort Operations/second
47 misc_rtns_1 60.00 19.00 39.00 19574
326.23333 3262.33 Auxiliary Loops/second
48 dir_rtns_1 60.01 18.00 42.00 4858
80.95317 809531.74 Directory Operations/second
49 shell_rtns_1 60.03 0.00 1.00 2227
37.09812 37.10 Shell Scripts/second
50 shell_rtns_2 60.00 0.00 2.00 2232
37.20000 37.20 Shell Scripts/second
51 shell_rtns_3 60.03 0.00 1.00 2233
37.19807 37.20 Shell Scripts/second
52 series_1 60.00 59.00 0.00 1156536
19275.60000 1927560.00 Series Evaluations/second
53 shared_memory 60.00 22.00 38.00 80384
1339.73333 133973.33 Shared Memory Operations/second
54 tcp_test 60.00 3.00 56.00 15091
251.51667 22636.50 TCP/IP Messages/second
55 udp_test 60.00 4.00 55.00 27342
455.70000 45570.00 UDP/IP DataGrams/second
56 fifo_test 60.00 7.00 53.00 46579
776.31667 77631.67 FIFO Messages/second
57 stream_pipe 60.00 8.00 50.00 72256
1204.26667 120426.67 Stream Pipe Messages/second
58 dgram_pipe 60.00 8.00 50.00 71061
1184.35000 118435.00 DataGram Pipe Messages/second
59 pipe_cpy 60.00 11.00 45.00 107632
1793.86667 179386.67 Pipe Messages/second
60 ram_copy 60.00 59.00 0.00 798549
13309.15000 332994933.00 Memory to Memory Copy/second
Projected Completion time: Fri Nov 15 15:30:22 2002
Actual Completion time: Fri Nov 15 15:30:30 2002
Difference: 0:00:08
AIM Independent Resource Benchmark - Suite IX
Testing over
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