On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 12:02:09PM +0100, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
> On Saturday 14 December 2002 19:58, Mark Hahn wrote:
> > > running 2.5.51, when I run 'uptime', it shows my uptime+1. that means if
> > > my
> >
> > might you have a process/thread stuck in a short wait?
> how can this be? the load average was at the given point excactly 1.0, but the
> number of running processes (ps ax|grep -v grep | grep -w R) was 0.
Processes in "D" state also count towards the load average. Because
usually that means a "disk wait" which usually impacts
subjective-performance of the system just as much as the "running"
processes do.
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