This is about Monta Vista Software, a company that develops software for
embedded platforms, based on the Linux kernel and (possibly) other GPL
In its official FAQ page, , it
"A: The GNU General Public License (GPL) is very specific about the
obligations imposed on developers leveraging Open Source. If you
deploy/redistribute program binaries derived from source code licensed
under the GPL, you must
Supply the source code to derived GPL code or Make an offer (good for 3
years) to supply the source code
Retain all licensing / header information, copyright notices, etc. in
those sources
Redistribute the text of the GPL with the binaries and/or source code
Note that your obligation is strictly to the recipients of binaries
(i.e., your customers). You have no responsibility to the "community" at
Its the last sentence that is of concern. Does this mean no 3rd
party (who is not a customer) can get the GPL source code part of their
products ? Seems like a GPL violation of clause 3b in .
In addition:
1. There is no linux kernel source in
2. The download page does not
claim to offer any source code at all.
- Nil
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