Re: start up script

From: Leonid Mamtchenkov (
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 01:35:19 EST

- Luis - <> wrote:
L> Hi all, i want to add a script to the start up in my Red Hat box, but i
L> already put the file in /etc/rc.d/init.d and make the symbolic link in
L> /etc/rc3.d/S55routetable.
L> But still doesn't work, if i run the script manually, it runs just fine,
L> but when i restart the server i doesn't run.

You might want to try using chkconfig(8) instead of manually creating

L> Basically the script is for adding some routes to my server.

You can add static routes by editing /etc/sysconfig/static-routes. The
format of the file is 1 route definition per line. Route definition
looks like:

eth0 net netmask gw


Best regards,
  Leonid Mamtchenkov, RHCE
  System Administrator
  Francoudi & Stephanou Ltd.

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