On Mon, 2003-02-17 11:47:56 -0600, Eli Carter <eli.carter@inet.com>
wrote in message <3E51204C.1010505@inet.com>:
> jlnance@unity.ncsu.edu wrote:
> >I notice that the entries on http://www.linux.org.uk/diary/ have changed
> >to a different language. Is it Welsh? Hm. I wonder if bablefish can
> >help me translate it.
> Apparently it is Welsh.... check that 'The other side of the story'
> link at the top, and the feb 16th entry on that page.
> I have no idea how to grok Welsh.
Alan took the Benglish language example on Bitkeeper to point out some
"proprietary" system (here Welsh). It's all about politics, isn't it?
-- Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 "Eine Freie Meinung in einem Freien Kopf | Gegen Zensur fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! Shell Script APT-Proxy: http://lug-owl.de/~jbglaw/software/ap2/
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