On Thu, March 06, 2003 at 12:58 AM, Ed Sweetman wrote:
> I believe the originator of the thread went back to check and
> see if he can find out exactly what his Windows drivers are
> enabling. the rest of the thread has been arguing over if
> linux can load hardware more than windows can and what puts
> off heat and what doesn't which is stupid.
> i think the topic of the thread is a bunch of BS because
> unless he has a driver that is for some reason changing the
> frequency of something or the voltage then linux is not going
> to stress the system more than windows. The whole thing wreaks
> of FUD whether intentional or not.
Well, here's _my_ stupid BS and (intentional) FUD question: 8)
Does anybody know if XP actively performs progressive power
management actions as the CPU temperature increases inside the
normal operating range? If this were done somewhat linearly
starting at "medium rare", instead of only at "well done" to
save the hardware, wouldn't it look like the reported anomaly?
Always suspicious ;)
Ed Vance edv (at) macrolink (dot) com
Macrolink, Inc. 1500 N. Kellogg Dr Anaheim, CA 92807
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