Re: [PATCH] self tuning scheduler 0.2

From: Mike Galbraith (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 14:54:27 EST

At 10:29 AM 3/12/2003 -0500, Jim Houston wrote:

>Hi Mike, Everyone,


>Mike, I have made a few adjustments which I hope will make you happy.
>I changed the time_slice code so it gives larger time slices to
>processes with less than average priorities. This makes my "make -j30"
>compile times match those of linux-2.5.64.

I only did one run, but yep, it's pretty close on my box too.

>I have some experimental code to address the irman issues. My first
>change was to adjust the run_avg value during a synchronous wakeup.
>The idea is to average the values so that related processes priorities
>will clump together. I also felt that the circle of processes passing
>a token are really a disguised compute bound process. To punish this
>behavoir, I add a small amount to the run_avg of the woken process.
>You can adjust the amount with /proc/sys/sched/pipe_circle_tax. I default
>this value to 5. This obviously also punishes the innocent. So the
>question is if the value is small enough can it fix the irman problem
>without breaking something else.

A value of 5 doesn't seem to be enough. I fixed irman's parse problem so
it can run the memory test properly and ran it with pipe_circle_tax set to
5, 25 and 50. The results are attached along with results from and 2.5.64.bk5 for comparison.

There isn't any detectable change wrt the window wiggle test... still
pretty choppy.


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