RE: kgdb (kernel debugger)

From: Perez-Gonzalez, Inaky (
Date: Sun Mar 16 2003 - 00:31:10 EST

Hi Martin

> > Has anyone looked into getting kgdb working on 2.5? On any
> architecture? (I'm mostly interested in XScale, but I thought I'd start
> here in the hope that another arch has done the heavy lifting. ;) )
> It does already, it's in both current -mm and -mjb trees. There was a
> fancy new version floating around at one point, not sure what happened
> to that, but the old one works fine.

Is there a way to get a separate patch w/o the whole -mm? (I guess I can do
the required manual surgical separation, but asking is free :)

Iñaky Pérez-González -- Not speaking for Intel -- all opinions are my own
(and my fault)

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