ip_check_sum problem

From: Norka Lucena (norka@ecs.syr.edu)
Date: Sun Mar 16 2003 - 18:31:00 EST


I am having problems computing the IP checksum with the th ip_fast_csum.
I would REALLY appreciate if any of you can help me.

This is the function I am using to compute the IP checksum.

void computeIPChecksum(struct iphdr* ip) {
  printk("*** IP checksum (before) : %d\n", ip->check);
  ip->check = 0; /* it must be pre-zero'd */
  ip->check = ip_fast_csum((unsigned char *)ip, ip->ihl);

  printk("*** IP checksum (after) : %d\n", ip->check);
Please notice that because I am not modifying the packet at all yet, I
get the same result. Well, I don't. I have no clue why.
Any thoughts?

Please, reply directly to norka@ecs.syr.edu.
Thank you so much, in advance,


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