Re: FileSystem XFS vs RiserFS vs ext3

From: Bernd Eckenfels (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 03:32:37 EST

In article <> you wrote:
> Hi all I get basic understanding of the functions and different between
> XFS, RiserFS and ext3. But in high volumn read write enviornment (database,
> NFS email server etc), which will provide better preformance?

NFS is a bit tricky. Reiser used to be broken on it, and at least from large
XFS NFS Servers I know that they tend to be unstable, still.

For the Database Servers, I am not sure how well they operate with
journaling filesystems. I think Linux Journal had an article on performance
on that.

Reiser might be your bet, depending on the usage pattern of the filename
space, with Ext3 catching up. Personally I love the XFS features for
resizing in connection with LVMs, but i guess you can have that with Ext3
and Reiser, too.


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