My Tyan Tiger MPX 2466 mobo has two AMD Athlon MP 2400+ CPU's, but when running
a standard RedHat or Debian Kernel (i686-smp) it will only recognize one CPU.
When I build my own kernel (2.4.20) with athlon support (k7-smp) it will crash
at boot time.
My problem is that I can only log-in remotely, and a console monitor is not
(yet) available, so I have no clue about error messages... :(
Lucky me to use the lilo -R option, so it will return to the default kernel
after an APC reboot.
What could cause this behaviour?
What should be the BIOS settings for MPS (1.1/1.4)? APIC (on/off)?
Thanks in advance,
Michiel Klaver
The Netherlands.
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