Re: seqlock/unlock(&xtime_lock) problems cause keyboard, time skew problems

From: Stephen Hemminger (
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 15:32:24 EST

On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 11:05, Jerry Cooperstein wrote:
> Since 2.5.60 my thinkpad keyboard repeat rate has been erratic when
> started up on battery power; plugging into AC after startup only makes
> it worse. Starting up on AC is fine. Compiling without apm in any
> form is fine.
> I posted on this a month ago and noone had solutions although I got
> several emails from folks with similarly afflicted machines.
> Since then I've noticed that I also get a bad time skew, with the
> system clock jumping forward.
> I'm pretty sure the problem arose with the introduction of the
> seqlock/unlock interface to protect xtime_lock instead of a regular rw
> lock. Short of trying to back the whole thing out, does any one have
> similar observations, suggestions, solutions?

Does this notebook vary the clock rate? If so then using TSC for
time of day clock is probably a problem. Try booting with notsc.

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