On Thu, 2003-03-20 11:51:41 -0600, Eli Carter <eli.carter@inet.com>
wrote in message <3E79FFAD.3040904@inet.com>:
> Mike Dresser wrote:
> >On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> >
> >
> >>jbglaw@schnarchnase:/tmp$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
> >
> >
> >>bogomips : 15.10
> >
> >
> >out of curiosity, how long does the machine take to compile a kernel?
> >
> >Do you use a stopwatch or a calendar?
> Well, going back to his original email,
> jbglaw@schnarchnase:/tmp$ uname -a
> Linux schnarchnase 2.5.65 #1 Thu Mar 20 07:39:11 CET 2003 i486 unknown
> unknown GNU/Linux
> And looking on kernel.org,
> Mar 17 22:29 linux-2.5.65.tar.gz
> It takes him less than a week anyway*... ;) (Timezone conversions left
> as an exercise to the reader.)
Um, no. I compiled it on my Athlon (2x1.4GHz) and that's more like
5min... Letting the box compile a full 2.5.x (with mostly anything
useable choosen as a module), I think that would be at about 10..20 day.
So it's more like looking at a calendar than looking at a stopwatch:=
> So, who can beat his 15.10 bogomips? Anyone run <1 bogomips?
No problem - start linux from within bochs:)
-- Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 "Eine Freie Meinung in einem Freien Kopf | Gegen Zensur | Gegen Krieg fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! | im Irak! ret = do_actions((curr | FREE_SPEECH) & ~(IRAQ_WAR_2 | DRM | TCPA));
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