[PATCH] Re: 2.4.21-pre7, disk size, display wrong or serious bug?

From: Andries.Brouwer@cwi.nl
Date: Sun Apr 06 2003 - 07:39:38 EST

        From: Andreas Behnert <abehn@gmx.net>

        Yesterday I installed an external RAID system, machine
        was running kernel 2.2.20 and everything worked ok:
          SCSI device sdb: hdwr sector= 512 bytes. Sectors=1278558208
          [624296 MB] [624.3 GB]

        Then I compiled 2.4.21-pre7:
          SCSI device sdb: 1278558208 512-byte hdwr sectors (-444889 MB)

        The system *seems* to work ok but I don't know if it really
        *does* - I didn't want to experiment very much because the
        RAID array contains sensitive data

Yes, this is a frequent complaint.
Nothing is wrong, only the message.
It is fixed by the patch below.


diff -u --recursive --new-file -X /linux/dontdiff a/drivers/scsi/sd.c b/drivers/scsi/sd.c
--- a/drivers/scsi/sd.c Sat Apr 5 10:19:53 2003
+++ b/drivers/scsi/sd.c Sun Apr 6 14:22:35 2003
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@
                         int m;
                         int hard_sector = sector_size;
- int sz = rscsi_disks[i].capacity * (hard_sector/256);
+ unsigned int sz = (rscsi_disks[i].capacity/2) * (hard_sector/256);
                         /* There are 16 minors allocated for each major device */
                         for (m = i << 4; m < ((i + 1) << 4); m++) {
@@ -1011,9 +1011,9 @@
                         printk("SCSI device %s: "
- "%d %d-byte hdwr sectors (%d MB)\n",
+ "%u %d-byte hdwr sectors (%u MB)\n",
                                nbuff, rscsi_disks[i].capacity,
- hard_sector, (sz/2 - sz/1250 + 974)/1950);
+ hard_sector, (sz - sz/625 + 974)/1950);
                 /* Rescale capacity to 512-byte units */
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