Re: 2.5.67-mm3: Bad: scheduling while atomic with IEEE1394 then hard freeze ( lockup on CPU0)

From: Steve Kinneberg (
Date: Wed Apr 16 2003 - 12:32:54 EST

On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 09:45, Philippe Gramoullé wrote:
> # dmesg
> oot is not IRM capable, resetting...
> ieee1394: Remote root is not IRM capable, resetting...
> ieee1394: Remote root is not IRM capable, resetting...
> ieee1394: Remote root is not IRM capable, resetting...
> [message repeated 178 times and as long as the DV Camcorder in turned on]

I realize this isn't the problem you're really concerned about, but the
above may happen if you are using a version of the 1394 code off the
linux-2.4 branch prior to the patch I sent to the list Monday that Ben
recently applied. (You should be able to get around this without
downloading the latest code and recompiling by setting attempt_root=1
when insmodding ohci1394.

Steve Kinneberg
ACM Systems
3034 Gold Canal Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA  95670
Phone: (916) 463-7987

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