Re: Flame Linus to a crisp!

From: Jamie Lokier (
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 02:44:00 EST

William Lee Irwin III wrote:
> Well, my walking out of computing is tied to complete prevention of
> kernel hacking on commodity hardware, so you've not lost anything yet.
> I only really care if it's no longer possible to get a commodity system
> to run Linux on at all, not about crypto dongles.

Hi William,

If it ever gets that bad, email me and we'll find a way to create
hardware without those restrictions, and get it to people who want it.

If the hardware that comes out of industry won't let you hack, hey you
still have basic materials like SiO2 from the real world to make your
own. Tough, but rewarding :)

It only gets _really_ bad when it becomes illegal to make your own
hardware :(

-- Jamie
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