Re: ChangeLog suggestion

From: John Bradford (
Date: Sat Apr 26 2003 - 01:52:19 EST

> In each changelog entry, it would be really useful to include the
> Message-ID of that email in a regex-parsable location. This way, if the
> email was cced to lkml it would be possible for folks to track down the
> actual patch.
> I'm not familiar with your scripts, but I'd be surprised if this were very
> difficult to implement. At the same time, there are many cases of changelog
> entries that read only 'USB' or something equally unhelpful, where there is
> little chance that anyone could track down the corresponding patch. Having the
> Message-ID in those cases would make all the difference in the world.

The changelogs are generated by BitKeeper - couldn't we simply include
a link that will let anybody[1] access the relevant changesets?

[1] This can be via HTTP, and _doesn't_ require anybody to use
BitKeeper in any way.

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