On Mon, 28 Apr 2003 11:19:48 CDT, Robert Williamson <robbiew@us.ibm.com> said:
> I would REALLY appreciate it, if someone could clarify this issue for me.
> When testing the latest 2.5 kernels, I've frequently come across issues
> where the headers in /usr/include conflict with the headers packaged with
> the kernel. I was under the assumption that when compiling user mode
> programs, such as the LTP test suite, we should use the headers in
> /usr/include. However, I have had some kernel developers tell me that I
> should compile against the kernel includes.....could I get some
> clarification on this?
Things that run in user space use the /usr/include headers.
Things that run in kernel space use the kernel includes.
If you think you need to violate these rules, you're either incorrect or
shouldn't be needing to ask.
(Having said that, if you're encountering a *specific* case where the difference
between the two sets of headers is *actually causing a problem*, feel free to
re-post and explain in detail what the issue is....)
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