On Wed, Apr 30, 2003 at 01:36:30AM +0800, Michael Frank wrote:
> Hi All,
> I notice anoying messages in logs and on the console such as the above.
> Gladly, most humble authors refrain from this bloat.
Well, it is not any more bloat than printing a line like 'ip_tables:
initialized ip_tables core successfully'.
> Could one ban these messages from the console altogether and perhaps
> mandate sending credits to a seperate "credits log" file
I remember a huge discussion on this subject quite some time (years?)
ago on lkml, so don't let's repeat a flame war about this.
> Regards
> Michael Frank
-- - Harald Welte <laforge@netfilter.org> http://www.netfilter.org/ ============================================================================ "Fragmentation is like classful addressing -- an interesting early architectural error that shows how much experimentation was going on while IP was being designed." -- Paul Vixie
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