On Wed, 2003-04-30 18:03:17 -0700, Larry McVoy <lm@bitmover.com>
wrote in message <20030501010317.GB8676@work.bitmover.com>:
> On Thu, May 01, 2003 at 08:43:47AM +1000, Paul Mackerras wrote:
> > Larry McVoy writes:
> And as much as I dislike Microsoft, I'd argue that the middleware layer
> that they provide which makes all the windows apps work together is
> maybe even a bigger deal than the web. Unix has been trying to build
> something like that for decades and never has. Neither Gnome nor KDE
> matches what they have, not a chance. And the reason is that that
Now, after using Linux (and some other Un*xes as well:) I wouldn't
compare Windows to Gnome or KDE. I'd better compare Windows to sh, awk,
sed, ... The best thing ever seems to be '|', '&&' and '||' :-)
> layer is the computing version of ditch digging, it's not sexy, it's
> not math, it's just a pile of grunt work, a huge pile. And Microsoft
Nothing sexy there, but some simple sh scripts are damn neat to that:)
-- Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 "Eine Freie Meinung in einem Freien Kopf | Gegen Zensur | Gegen Krieg fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! | im Irak! ret = do_actions((curr | FREE_SPEECH) & ~(IRAQ_WAR_2 | DRM | TCPA));
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