On Sun, 2003-05-04 12:00:00 -0400, rmoser <mlmoser@comcast.net>
wrote in message <200305041200000380.00B553E1@smtp.comcast.net>:
> You silly boys. Thinking everything is impossible. The old kernel
> is just a shadow of the new one... just a shadow............ I'll try
> spitting out a basic sketch. This I'm sure you've done but if not,
> fix it. I'm an idiot, so this won't work as-is.
> For starters, freeze the system. halt EVERYTHING.
> Now load the new kernel.
> Now you have this thing in RAM. Fine. It's not running but it's in
> RAM.
> Start feeding data over to it. In a manner it can understand. You know,
> make all the modules work with a standard named stream (check the
> Advanced Tracker planning file at the very end:
> http://advancedtracker.sourceforge.net/at/__at.plan.txt
> I did copy it below, so you don't have to go there). This is the
> hard part--Module compatibility through defined names. This would
> bloat the kernel, so think about it and maybe you'll figure out a good
> way.
Sounds like being a nice feature (esp. for 24/7 uptime), but it also
sounds like a *lot* of bloat. You'll have to encode (and to decode) any
single bit if data. But - where to put all that? See, it you're having
some Gigabytes of ram, you probably end with > 100MB only describing all
those single pages (4..8K) of RAM. Encode that into a named stream - you
end up with > 1GB of data. Then, you also need to encode the whole state
of any drivers.
What do you do if drivers/mm/you-name-it changed and now uses different
data structures? In fact, any two choosen kernels may potentially use
different data structures. So for the newly-to-load kernel, you need
stream decoders for all possible older kernels. Bloat again.
So if I would need something like that, I think kexec is the way to go,
possibly with a second machine for failover (to even close the kexec
booting gap).
However - if you like this feature so much you'd die for: nobody stops
you to implement a proof-of-concept:)
-- Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 "Eine Freie Meinung in einem Freien Kopf | Gegen Zensur | Gegen Krieg fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! | im Irak! ret = do_actions((curr | FREE_SPEECH) & ~(IRAQ_WAR_2 | DRM | TCPA));
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