AIM9 benchmark result for kernel 2.5.69.when compared with
kernel 2.5.68 showed following differences.
Test Elapsed Iteration Iteration Operation
Name Time(sec) Count Rate(loops/sec) Rate (ops/sec)
System Memory Allocations/second
[linux-2.5.69] 60.02 3393 56.53116 961029.66
[linux-2.5.68] 60.00 3587 59.78333 1016316.67
Signal Traps/second
[linux-2.5.69] 60.01 11188 186.43559 186435.59
[linux-2.5.68] 60.00 11692 194.86667 194866.67
Dynamic Memory Operations/second
[linux-2.5.69] 60.01 2788 46.45892 1393767.71
[linux-2.5.68] 60.01 2643 44.04266 1321279.79
*There is no much significant difference in other test result.
-- kernel-2.5.69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- AIM Independent Resource Benchmark - Suite IX v1.1, January 22, 1996 Copyright (c) 1996 - 2001 Caldera International, Inc. All Rights ReservedMachine's name : access1 Machine's configuration : PIII/868MHZ/128MB Number of seconds to run each test [2 to 1000] : 60 Path to disk files : /tmp ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test Test Elapsed Iteration Iteration Operation NumberName Time(sec) Count Rate(loops/sec) Rate (ops/sec) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 1 add_double 60.07 716 11.91943 214549.69 Thousand Double Precision Additions/second
2 add_float 60.06 1074 17.88212 214585.41 Thousand Single Precision Additions/second
3 add_long 60.04 1767 29.43038 1765822.78 Thousand Long Integer Additions/second
4 add_int 60.03 1767 29.43528 1766116.94 Thousand Integer Additions/second
5 add_short 60.01 4415 73.57107 1765705.72 Thousand Short Integer Additions/second
6 creat-clo 60.02 10736 178.87371 178873.71 File Creations and Closes/second
7 page_test 60.01 7409 123.46276 209886.69 System Allocations & Pages/second
8 brk_test 60.02 3393 56.53116 961029.66 System Memory Allocations/second
9 jmp_test 60.01 322028 5366.23896 5366238.96 Non-local gotos/second
10signal_test 60.01 11188 186.43559 186435.59 Signal Traps/second
11 exec_test 60.02 3018 50.28324 251.42 Program Loads/second
12 fork_test 60.04 1479 24.63358 2463.36 Task Creations/second
13 link_test 60.01 52385 872.93784 54995.08 Link/Unlink Pairs/second
14 disk_rr 60.02 721 12.01266 61504.83 Random Disk Reads (K)/second
15 disk_rw 60.05 585 9.74188 49878.43 Random Disk Writes (K)/second
16 disk_rd 60.02 2683 44.70177 228873.04 Sequential Disk Reads (K)/second
17 disk_wrt 60.04 1105 18.40440 94230.51 Sequential Disk Writes (K)/second
18 disk_cp 60.08 783 13.03262 66727.03 Disk Copies (K)/second
19sync_disk_rw 65.37 4 0.06119 156.65 Sync Random Disk Writes (K)/second
20sync_disk_wrt 65.73 9 0.13692 350.52 Sync Sequential Disk Writes (K)/second
21sync_disk_cp 65.54 9 0.13732 351.54 Sync Disk Copies (K)/second
22 disk_src 60.01 25899 431.57807 32368.36 Directory Searches/second
23 div_double 60.02 1321 22.00933 66027.99 Thousand Double Precision Divides/second
24 div_float 60.02 1321 22.00933 66027.99 Thousand Single Precision Divides/second
25 div_long 60.02 1590 26.49117 23842.05 Thousand Long Integer Divides/second
26 div_int 60.02 1590 26.49117 23842.05 Thousand Integer Divides/second
27 div_short 60.02 1590 26.49117 23842.05 Thousand Short Integer Divides/second
28 fun_cal 60.01 4713 78.53691 40210898.18 Function Calls (no arguments)/second
29 fun_cal1 60.02 10333 172.15928 88145551.48 Function Calls (1 argument)/second
30 fun_cal2 60.01 7492 124.84586 63921079.82 Function Calls (2 arguments)/second
31 fun_cal15 60.03 2452 40.84624 20913276.69 Function Calls (15 arguments)/second
32 sieve 60.78 42 0.69102 3.46 Integer Sieves/second
33 mul_double 60.01 835 13.91435 166972.17 Thousand Double Precision Multiplies/second
34 mul_float 60.02 835 13.91203 166944.35 Thousand Single Precision Multiplies/second
35 mul_long 60.01 75885 1264.53924 303489.42 Thousand Long Integer Multiplies/second
36 mul_int 60.01 75698 1261.42310 302741.54 Thousand Integer Multiplies/second
37 mul_short 60.01 60645 1010.58157 303174.47 Thousand Short Integer Multiplies/second
38 num_rtns_1 60.01 36917 615.18080 61518.08 Numeric Functions/second
39 new_raph 60.01 82850 1380.60323 276120.65 Zeros Found/second
40 trig_rtns 60.02 2210 36.82106 368210.60 Trigonometric Functions/second
41 matrix_rtns 60.01 366551 6108.16531 610816.53 Point Transformations/second
42 array_rtns 60.06 1002 16.68332 333.67 Linear Systems Solved/second
43 string_rtns 60.07 532 8.85633 885.63 String Manipulations/second
44 mem_rtns_1 60.01 2788 46.45892 1393767.71 Dynamic Memory Operations/second
45 mem_rtns_2 60.01 131122 2185.00250 218500.25 Block Memory Operations/second
46 sort_rtns_1 60.03 2505 41.72914 417.29 Sort Operations/second
47 misc_rtns_1 60.01 50089 834.67755 8346.78 Auxiliary Loops/second
48 dir_rtns_1 60.01 16428 273.75437 2737543.74 Directory Operations/second
49 shell_rtns_1 60.02 3566 59.41353 59.41 Shell Scripts/second
50 shell_rtns_2 60.03 3559 59.28702 59.29 Shell Scripts/second
51 shell_rtns_3 60.02 3555 59.23026 59.23 Shell Scripts/second
52 series_1 60.01 1471131 24514.76421 2451476.42 Series Evaluations/second
53shared_memory 60.01 152530 2541.74304 254174.30 Shared Memory Operations/second
54 tcp_test 60.01 36440 607.23213 54650.89 TCP/IP Messages/second
55 udp_test 60.01 63893 1064.70588 106470.59 UDP/IP DataGrams/second
56 fifo_test 60.01 162952 2715.41410 271541.41 FIFO Messages/second
57 stream_pipe 60.01 131843 2197.01716 219701.72 Stream Pipe Messages/second
58 dgram_pipe 60.01 131142 2185.33578 218533.58 DataGram Pipe Messages/second
59 pipe_cpy 60.01 185198 3086.11898 308611.90 Pipe Messages/second
60 ram_copy 60.01 1551939 25861.33978 647050721.21 Memory to Memory Copy/second ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Regards
Sowmya Adiga Project Engineer Wipro Technologies 53/1,Hosur Road,Madivala Bangalore-560 068,INDIA
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