Re: The disappearing sys_call_table export.

From: J.A. Magallon (
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 16:48:11 EST

On 05.08, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 10:10:21PM +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> > Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> >
> > >Maybe you have a different notion of proper mechanism then everyone
> > >else.
> > >
> > Out of personal interest - would a mechanism that promised the following
> > be considered a "proper mechanism"?
> > 1. Work on all platforms.
> > 2. Allow load and unload in arbitrary order and timings (which also
> > means "be race free").
> > 3. Have low/zero overhead if not used
> No, the most important point is that a proper meachanism wouldn't
> replace syscall slots but rather operate on kernel objects (file, inode
> vma, task_struct, etc..). Linus has expressed a few times that
> he has no interest in loadable syscalls and any core developer I've
> talked to agrees with that.

Don't have followed the whole thread, so I don't know if somebody has already
said this, but all this thing about hooks looks perfect for projects like
bproc or mosix, have you talked to them ?
(perhaps Erik Hendriks <> -bproc- is following the thread...;) )

J.A. Magallon <>      \                 Software is like sex:                         \           It's better when it's free
Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (Cooker) for i586
Linux 2.4.21-rc1-jam2 (gcc 3.2.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.2 3.2.2-5mdk))
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