Re: Problem with virtually no buffer usage in 2.4.21mdk kernel
From: Bruce Harada (
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 12:46:39 EST
On Sun, 25 May 2003 08:12:53 -0600
Robert Creager <Robert_Creager@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That's why I said virtually no buffer usage (not shared memory). I'm
> looking at the 88kb (90112). On my other two systems, both 2.4.19 with
> 640Mb and 128Mb memory, the buffer usage is 86Mb, and 44Mb respectivly.
> Other thoughts?
Ah, my apologies. As for why your buffer usage is so low, it's likely a bit
difficult to tell whether it's indicative of a problem without knowing what
patches have been applied to the Mandrake kernel. Also, I believe the buffers
value these days isn't as useful a metric as it used to be, so personally I
wouldn't worry about it too much, unless you're seeing problems with the box.
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