RE: Bug reports: Making sure you provide all system info
From: Riley Williams (Riley@Williams.Name)
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 16:11:29 EST
Hi Timothy.
> Is there a script people can run which will dig all necessary
> system information out of /proc so that when one wants to report
> a bug, they just run the script and dump the output into the
> lkml email?
> I see lots of bug reports which provide very similar kinds of
> information. It seems to be so common a thing to do that it
> should be automated, no?
Back in the 2.2 kernel days, there was a script called ver_linux
that did precisely that. It's still in 2.5.69 but nobody appears
to make use of it any more.
For reference, here's what the one in 2.5.69 produces for one of
my systems:
Q> If some fields are empty or look unusual you may have an old version.
Q> Compare to the current minimal requirements in Documentation/Changes.
Q> Linux Consulate.LAN.MemAlpha.Co.UK 2.2.14-e2c #5 Tue Jan 25 21:06:15
Q> GMT 2000 i586 unknown
Q> Gnu C egcs-2.91.66
Q> Gnu make 3.78.1
Q> binutils
Q> util-linux 2.10f
Q> mount 2.10r
Q> module-init-tools /lib/modules/2.2.14-e2c/misc/appletalk.o
Q> e2fsprogs 1.18
Q> PPP 2.3.11
Q> Linux C Library
Q> Dynamic linker (ldd) 2.1.3
Q> Procps 2.0.7
Q> Net-tools 1.55
Q> Console-tools 0.3.3
Q> Sh-utils 2.0
Q> Modules Loaded slip slhc parport_pc lp parport tulip
Q> nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437 vfat fat
Best wishes from Riley.
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