Re: Real multi-user linux

From: Bernd Eckenfels (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 19:43:50 EST

In article <> you wrote:
> is it possible to use several logical terminals
> (=tupels of monitor, keyboard and mouse) directly
> connected to _one_ system?

Yes sure.

> But is there a possibility to group these to allow two
> users work simultanously on the same machine without
> having to go via serial console or network?

the main problem is the hardware. It is most often easier to have a diskless
terminal connected via network, than to have a VGA cable to two workplaces.

Linux supports multiple XServers (on multiple cards or cards with multiple
ports), can you can configure them for multiple serial ports or usb ports
for the mouse. For the keyboard you can have one ps2 and multiple usb ports
(under x). I am not sure how the console handles multiple usb keyboards.


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