Dell is not the issue, we both know Dell trys to do the right thing.
My issues are with all the other meatballs out there.
Andre Hedrick
LAD Storage Consulting Group
On 30 Jun 2003, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Llu, 2003-06-30 at 05:07, Andre Hedrick wrote:
> > Where is Dell's Head Quarters?
> > Please goto your local justice and get a UK ruling for a US Corporation.
> > What gives you the right to pursue in court GPL for materials you do not
> > have copyright ownership? I use this loose in this case because you now
> > have copyright context in the material in question.
> I don't need to. The US as a berne signatory allows non US citizens to
> enforce copyright (regardless of US registration). Its one of the funny
> cases where US citizens have less rights in their own country than
> foreigners in some ways
> Besides which if I wanted to sue Dell (and I don't) I'd do it in the UK,
> our lawyers are cheaper 8)
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