On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 11:53:17AM -0400, Josh Litherland wrote:
> In article <200307151001.44218.kevcorry@us.ibm.com> you wrote:
> > so there's not much of a reason to add partitioning support to the loop
> > driver itself.
> Working with sector images of hard drives? I use Linux for data
> recovery jobs and it would be very helpful to me to be able to look at
> DOS partitions inside a loopback device. As it is I must chunk it up
> into seperate files by hand.
you could also setup more than one loopback
device with different offsets into the partitions ...
for my purposes, I use the folowing script (part)
losetup /dev/loop/0 $file
sfdisk --dump /dev/loop/0 | gawk '
/^\/dev\/loop/ {
if ($6+0 > 0) {
dev=sprintf("/dev/loop/%d", part);
printf "losetup %s -o %d /dev/loop/0\n", dev, $4*512;
printf "fsck -p -f %s\n", dev;
printf "mkdir -p /mnt/disk/part%d\n", part;
printf "mount %s /mnt/disk/part%d\n", dev, part;
' | sh
> --
> Josh Litherland (josh@emperorlinux.com)
> -
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